CMI Level 5 in Management and Leadership
The CMI Level 5 in Management and Leadership qualifications are aimed at currently practising or aspiring managers and leaders who are typically accountable to senior management or a business owner. The main function of these practising managers or leaders is to lead or manage individuals or teams to deliver objectives or goals set by the organisation.
The CMI Level 5 Award in Management and Leadership provides and overview of the roles and responsibilities required by managers, the Award will assist in developing your skills and knowledge for this level accountibility.
The CMI Level 5 Certificate in Management and Leadership provides a broader set of knowledge and skills than the Award. This qualification focuses more on specific management areas, increased emphasis on the areas that are most appropriate to your role and organisation.
The CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership provides you with a fully comprehensive collection of skills and knowledge necessary to becoming a successful manager.
Qualifications designed
for aspiring managers.
Become the leader your team needs
Develop your team leading skills and knowledge with the only
chartered professional body in the field ofÂ
management and leadership
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