Dull meetings. We’ve all been to them (and maybe even hosted them). So what can we do to engage attendees and make meetings more memorable and less ‘this could have been an email’?
Meetings via Zoom and Teams are likely to become the norm rather than the exception. We need to adapt our style and adjust our understanding of the word ‘meeting’. Whether you’re meeting virtually or in person, it can be difficult to find ways to get people involved more than eating a few free biscuits or nodding along now and again.
Here are 6 ideas to make your meetings more memorable:
Start as you mean to go on
Bring the right energy to the meeting from the start. Start the meeting off with something engaging like a video, introduction game, or quiz. Especially if your meeting happens to be in the afternoon. People often plan their day around meetings so don’t be late! This applies to everyone. Lateness means you’ll start on the wrong foot, the meeting will be rushed, and time will be wasted.
Stop thinking of meetings as a tick-box exercise
Sometimes, the subject matter just isn’t that enthralling. But the meeting must go ahead. It’s key information that needs to be shared with everyone and a meeting is unavoidable. But a boring meeting is avoidable. Think creatively. How can you get your message across without flattening the atmosphere?
Do something different
Just do something completely different. Change things up to give your meetings a new lease of life and breathe new energy into your work routine. Our Foundation Certificate in Organisational Behaviour focuses on motivation, behaviour and culture, helping you to better understand your workplace and capitalise on your strengths.
- Pick a theme
- Hold the meeting outside or in a completely different location
- Throw ‘fancy dress’ into the mix
- Start the session with meditation or short yoga exercise
- Give away something (everyone loves free merch)
- Encourage employees to takes selfies to share on the company social media pages
- Free food always goes down well but be creative with it. Hire a popcorn cart or buy ice cream on a hot day
Respect the agenda
People are more likely to engage in your meetings when they know they are well planned and valuable. It’s so frustrating when meetings veer down a completely different path, often missing the focal point entirely. Time management is key so stick to the time allocated and step in if anything is overrunning. Send the agenda out in advance so everyone is clear about the goals of the meeting.
Have a point and make it
Don’t spend half the meeting walking around your point. It’s likely your team are busy and want to get back to their work ASAP. Don’t use meaningless management buzz words. Make your point effectively by planning ahead and adding real value, so people can absorb your message efficiently and then get on with their day.
Throw away the chairs
OK so don’t actually throw them away, but why not try a standing meeting? You’ll avoid people slumping in their chairs and zoning out completely. When you’re standing, you are more aware and alert. Try this technique to get people moving, hopefully sparking a more creative session.
Our training courses can help you play to your strengths and identify where you can improve as a leader to make your meetings effective, and memorable. Get in touch with our team to find out how.